Warman Project Design Generator

Part IV Mechatronics Engineering Research Project made with ❤️ by Alex Lasenby and Stefan Zdravkovic

This program generates a list of components and an ideal solution given a Warman Design & Build Competition's objectives and constraints. Before using the program, you must understand the requirements of your brief and have a preconceived idea of how to complete the task. You are encouraged to vary the sliders in the external factors below as well as checking the different inputs to see if a new and better design is suggested.

This program is not capable of generating a winning design or even a suitable final design. The Warman Projects are far more advanced logically than the program can consider, and some major assumptions must be made to produce a solution from the supplied circumstances. This should only be used in the early stages of the design process, mostly for conceptual design generation and in the creation of a morphological matrix.

blur_medium Movement & Terrain

shapes Payload

No payloads (0) Some payloads (3-6) Many payloads (10+)
Short distance Long distance
Short distance Long distance
Short distance Long distance

tune Attributes

Can be costly As cheap as possible
Can be slow Needs to be fast
Can be complex Needs to be very easy
Doesn't matter As light as possible

lightbulb Creativity Prompt

This section is for you to specify how random you want the process to be in selecting the best components. The higher the creativity prompt the more likely it is to suggest solutions that might not be the best solution, but get the cogs turning in your head!

Give me the best there is Consider other options Mix it up!